Awesome auto service stories

Awesome auto service stories

  • Custom Design Options for Your Trailer

    Newer models of trailers available on the automobile market today offer a limitless range of custom design possibilities. Why, then, should you settle for less when you can have it all? If you want a custom-designed trailer, here are some design options that you can choose to integrate into your trailer. Interior lighting When it comes to interior lighting, there is an extensive array of options that you can go for, ranging from fluorescent lighting units to LED lighting to skylight options.

  • Servicing the Air Conditioning in Your Vehicle

    When hot summer months roll around, it's really hard to go without some car air conditioning. It is a luxury drivers depend on. It's easy to take it for granted until you have to go without it. Here are some helpful tips to take care of your car's air conditioner. If you keep up proper servicing and maintenance, you can avoid a situation where your air conditioner stops working. You don't want to be stuck without it when you need it most.

  • 4 Car Battery Mistakes You Need to Avoid

    Your car's battery is inseparable from your vehicle. It powers the car upon ignition and it also powers other vital electronic services such as air conditioning, lighting, music, GPS gadgets, and other services. Battery problems are common among drivers, often causing car stalling by the road side. However, you can easily avoid such problems by steering clear of the following battery mistakes listed below. Not checking your battery's expiry date

  • Common Radiator Problems Expected With Used or Old Automotive Repairs

    A car radiator is a component that is tasked with removing heat from the circulating coolant, and dispelling it away from the car engine. If you bought a used automobile or have been driving your car for a couple of years, then radiator problems are almost a sure thing. Many cars develop radiator problems that require automotive repairs once they have passed certain mileages. Radiator repairs, as well as any other cooling system repairs, may attract very large charges if the problem is left to persist.

  • Tell-tale signs your car requires transmission repairs

    If there is a hint of peculiarity or something out of the ordinary in the way your car functions, more often than not, your car is trying to tell you something. But diagnosing car problems can seem to appear as difficult as rocket science to the untrained eye. Nonetheless, you will know what to look out for if your car requires transmission service, provided you go through the forthcoming paragraphs with a microscope.

  • About Me

    Awesome auto service stories

    I've been running an auto service shop for the past 30 years. The trends in cars have changed a lot over that time, and cars are becoming a lot more complicated and automated. People can't fix many items on their own cars any more as you need a computer to diagnose most issues. People use their cars a lot more these days as we live further away from workplaces and schools so it's important for me to be able to get cars back quickly. I have had to keep learning about how the new cars run and I keep a lot of hints on this site so you can all learn the things you can do to make your cars run better.