Awesome auto service stories

Awesome auto service stories

  • Signs Your Vehicle's Electrical Wiring System Needs Repair

    Your vehicle's electrical system plays a crucial role in ensuring smooth operation and safety while on the road. From powering the lights and indicators to controlling the engine, the electrical wiring system is a complex network that requires regular maintenance. As a responsible vehicle owner, it's essential to be aware of the signs that indicate your vehicle's electrical wiring system may need repair to prevent unexpected breakdowns and ensure your safety on the road.

  • Caravan Repairs: Don't Let Some Wear and Tear Ruin Your Next Adventure!

    Caravanning can be an exciting and cost-effective way to explore, but not when your vehicle has an issue that leaves you stranded on the side of the road. Caravan repairs are a crucial part of taking care of your vehicle, and it's essential to have a good understanding of what needs to be done and when. In this blog post, you will see the most common types of repairs, how to identify problems and how you can stay on top of your caravan's maintenance to keep it in top shape.

  • A Guide On Genset Cooling Repairs

    An overheating generator can cause downtime at your industrial premises or construction site. Unfortunately, most site managers do not understand the cause of generator overheating or how to conduct cooling repairs. Below is all you need to know about generator cooling repairs.  What Are The Dangers Of Generator Overheating?  Diesel generators are reliable and durable. As such, site and property managers forget to conduct regular inspections to establish signs of overheating.

  • How To Tell If Your Starter Motor Solenoid Is Failing

    A starter motor solenoid is a critical component of your car's starting system. It's responsible for converting electrical energy into mechanical energy, or in other words, it's what makes your starter motor turn and start your engine. But how do you know when something is wrong? If the solenoid is on its way out, you may end up stranded by the side of the road, so it pays to know some more about this diminutive but important part.

  • Can Vehicle Modifications Affect a Rego Check?

    If you love to tinker around in your garage and are an avid automotive enthusiast, you may have carried out certain modifications to your everyday ride. While you may have been careful to ensure that these mods are safe and reliable, you need to take some additional steps before legally driving your car on the road. What is involved? Dealing with Modified Vehicles Regulations vary according to the state or territory, but a modified vehicle can usually be registered provided it is shown to conform to safety standards.

  • About Me

    Awesome auto service stories

    I've been running an auto service shop for the past 30 years. The trends in cars have changed a lot over that time, and cars are becoming a lot more complicated and automated. People can't fix many items on their own cars any more as you need a computer to diagnose most issues. People use their cars a lot more these days as we live further away from workplaces and schools so it's important for me to be able to get cars back quickly. I have had to keep learning about how the new cars run and I keep a lot of hints on this site so you can all learn the things you can do to make your cars run better.