Awesome auto service stories

Awesome auto service stories

How to Use a Dyno to See What's Wrong with Your Diesel

by Debra Morgan

Is your diesel-powered vehicle causing you some strange issues, leading to engine or transmission problems that you're not able to put your finger on? Are you spending a lot more at the pump and notice that it is particularly difficult to overtake any slower vehicle? If you have been scratching your head for some time and don't know where to turn, perhaps you should take the vehicle in for a diesel auto diagnostics test, as this can often provide some revelation. What is involved here and how should you prepare?

Comparing Your Ride

Professional mechanics will use a dynamometer to diagnose and treat a variety of different problems on a diesel car or truck. In order to do so, they will place the vehicle onto some very carefully balanced rollers and will secure it properly before they continue. The aim is to run the engine and transmission up to maximum levels while the vehicle is stationary, to see how much power it is generating. They will then be able to compare this to manufacturer estimates to see where things may be going wrong.

Complex Checks

These tests can look at the performance of the engine as it accelerates from rest up to a maximum RPM and this shows how much force is required to accelerate the flywheel from inertia. They can also 'change down' and then accelerate through various gears to see how it performs under various loads.

Getting the Right Diagnosis

You need to make sure that you find a facility with a carefully configured dyno and work with technicians who fully understand how to operate it. This type of tool will not only focus on engine issues but your ancillaries as well, and will help you to properly configure your drivetrain, should this be at the root of your problem.

Could Be Something Simple

Don't be surprised if this diagnostic check uncovers something relatively simple, because these areas are easy to overlook. You may find that some oxygen sensors have failed or that filters are incorrectly configured. You might find that you need to replace your injectors in order to improve both your fuel economy and your overall performance.

Getting Ready

Always make sure that your vehicle is fit and ready for a dyno test, as it is very demanding. In particular, ensure that your tyres are in good condition and that you have no 'obvious' problems, such as a slipping clutch, as this would prevent the technician from making a proper diagnosis.


About Me

Awesome auto service stories

I've been running an auto service shop for the past 30 years. The trends in cars have changed a lot over that time, and cars are becoming a lot more complicated and automated. People can't fix many items on their own cars any more as you need a computer to diagnose most issues. People use their cars a lot more these days as we live further away from workplaces and schools so it's important for me to be able to get cars back quickly. I have had to keep learning about how the new cars run and I keep a lot of hints on this site so you can all learn the things you can do to make your cars run better.